Sunday, February 18, 2007

Heeeeeeeere's Omar!

Wanted fugitive and Rio Grande Valley embarrassment Omar Guerrero gets caught in Reynosa and marched back to the United States:

The FBI brought Guerrero across the Hidalgo-Reynosa International Bridge about 11:45 p.m. Saturday, Mission police officials said. Guerrero was cooperative with authorities, according to [Mission police chief Leo] Longoria.
Action 4 News has breaking news of the extradition, including a long video clip. (at about 5 minutes into the first "Omar Guerrero Extradited" video link, you can see the skinny, goatee-wearing, yellow shirt-clad Real Man of Genius get booked into the Mission city jail.

This has been a bizarre story. In case you've forgotten some of the wierdness, this Monitor story gives a nice recap of the former Hidalgo County District Clerk's antics:

Since he disappeared in early December, police have found a large amount of marijuana and cocaine in Guerrero’s North McAllen home; a justice of the peace said Guerrero threatened her; Guerrero lost his job; his wife divorced him; and he turned 30.
That's in addition to the charges of sexual assault of a child, DWI, marijuana possession, and a civil suit over a defaulted loan.

Nice work, Omar. Now let's see if any judge would be stupid enough to let you out on bond.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well. I know I supported him in the past but this one decision I do not agree with: Omar out on Bond The guy is a flight risk, but he's got a smart attorney. Apparently, he cannot be held without bond since he is not being charged with a capital offense. He will be wearing a GPS tracker but when has that ever stopped anyone from running? Hope he doesn't embarrass the valley anymore and just stays put this time.
