Wednesday, August 02, 2006

School Drama

A McAllen ISD high school principal loses her legal bid opposing her transfer to Central Office. But what was the reason for the transfer in the first place?

The Paper of South Texas (DISCLOSURE: I do freelance work for this publication) fills in the blanks that the mainstream media left empty:
  1. The McHi principal fires the head boys basketball coach.
  2. Angry parents, who like the coach, call for the principal's head.
  3. But a behind-the-scenes player in McAllen politics comes out in the principal's corner.
  4. So the superintendent tries to please both sides by creating a new administrative position for the ousted principal -- something the principal's lawyers say goes against state law.
  5. A district trustee tells The Paper that as far as he knows, the board hasn't created such a position.
Which brings us to where we are now.

Oh, the person advocating to keep the principal? Accused head-butter J.J. Avila, who said McAllen superintendent Yolanda Chapa "owes me big time" for his lobbying for last year's $98 million bond issue.

I'm not sure how this will all play out, but if Avila doesn't get his way, maybe Chapa should start wearing a goalie's mask.

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